It is now October, and shops are gearing up for their annual busiest time of year, as people start to think about Christmas shopping, presents, and all the things they would like to order to be able to enjoy over the festive period. At the moment you can’t escape the news – issues with fuel […]
Category: Courier Industry
Have flexible working patterns changed delivery practices?
Cast your mind back to February 2021 – most were in the office and hardly anyone was working at home. Since March 2021, it has been the opposite. Offices have been closed and nearly everyone that could work from home has done so. As restrictions have lifted and some normality has returned, things have not […]

Video doorbells and parcel delivery
Video doorbells are becoming a common site across UK doors. They bring a lot of different advantages to homeowners and can even help and assist with parcel delivery. In our latest blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this relationship and why video doorbells are proving popular with so many people. There are many […]

Clean air zones and courier businesses
Many of you will know that leading same day courier company Rock Solid Deliveries are based in Birmingham. Birmingham has recently introduced a clean air zone in the city, meaning that highly polluting vehicles are charged for entry into the city centre. Bath has a similar scheme, there are plans for others in cities across […]

How does bad weather affect transportation and delivery?
This is an article which can not only apply to courier and delivery companies like ours, but also wider and larger scale transportation services which operate on a commercial basis. We are all at the mercy of the weather, and living in the UK we know this better than anyone. This is perhaps a poignant […]

Are free delivery services really a good find?
Anything with the word ‘free’ catches the eye. Free delivery services are very popular and rightly so, but they are also highly and fiercely competitive offerings. People are often spending lots of money with companies and online merchants and are aware that they could just go down to a local shop or high street and […]