Rock Solid Deliveries are a leading company who specialise in same day courier services. We ensure we stay competitive in the market but the question some of you may be wondering is how we do this? Our ethos is that we believe value for money and great service go hand in hand. If we combine […]
Category: Courier Industry

Are some courier companies literally failing to deliver?
The courier market is increasingly becoming a very competitive field, with many companies vying for your business. Whether you are using Rock Solid Deliveries for a same day courier service or other bespoke delivery we can confidently assure you that we never take our customers custom for granted! However, customers need to be increasingly careful […]

What do we do when we receive your parcel?
Once you hand over your parcel that is it – you shouldn’t hear from us again until the job is complete and you receive your delivery notification. Have you ever wondered what happens in-between those two events though? After we receive your parcel the clock is on. This is especially true if it is […]

Beware of last order dates for Christmas
Christmas season is here and everyone will be trying to pack in as much shopping, wrapping and sending as possible. We here at Rock Solid Deliveries will be busy with many same day courier items, and we never close (handy to know!) Do you know however that final order dates for many big-name retailers are […]

Dealing with a delivery emergency
If you suddenly find you have a delivery emergency on your hands or need something transporting fast, then all logic and rationality on how to approach the job can become quickly forgotten. Knowing you have to get something delivered in a very time restricted window can be a stressful experience – you need to act […]

Top tips for sending your Christmas parcels
Christmas is a busy and stressful time of year for anyone. Want your Christmas to be full of festive cheer rather than festive frustration? Doing what you can to make life easier at this time of year is key. One way you can save time and hassle is looking at the process of sending your […]